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A violent yet delicate experience, conveying all the complexity of a realistic lyrical self. 

Loved this game, hope  i did it justice!!

Check out my channel


im getting to fps on the page 


Just nonsense! Wasted my time by playing the early version. Very beautiful shaders and sound design which kinda impress you, but the game is not a game at all. meaningless dialogues, useless boxes and tons of visual effects...
There is no story, just an open world map, anddd that's all. I gave it a try and wasted 1 hour :(


Did you even read what this project is about? Like even slightly?


this is wild in UEVR. 


This was seriously one of the most visually stunning games ive played in a long time


Really interesting game with some very deep concepts and ideas it's exploring. Make me feel uncomfortable, but in a good way? 


The game is really interesting, weird. I need play it more times. 

Yay thank you for making a video! this is very cool.

I can't open the game, how do I play

How do you animate the backround like this!? it's beautiful


Like on the itch page? It's a full screen animated gif. The CSS for it is here:
(If that's what you mean lol)




This made me sob, but it also gave me a sense of determination, I'm in a court case right now for sexual battery, his lawyer is offering me 5,000 dollars to drop the case, to pretend it never happened and move on. I'm homeless, disabled and the money would be so much to me. But he's hurt so many people, not just me. I want to take the money, its legal in this state you see. But after playing this demo I feel like I shouldn't, because if I do I'm letting people who've come to more harm by him lose the justice as well. They may never hear the news, but if any of them have hope that he will come to justice, I want to be the reason he did.


i'm sorry that you are experiencing this. it's awful to go through something like this. thank you for standing up to him. even if you can't see it through i hope you are proud of yourself because it does make a difference to even just try... and if you do, you are amazing either way. either way you are the person who has that courage.
please take care. i wish you a lot of strength and hope. (and fuck that lawyer)


That intense and admiarable  game to be able to play though even if it's a demo.

i have fond memories of your website from my middle school years...glad it's been preserved


Aww this game looking awesome and totally the type of game I've been searching for! though sad, it's not on mobile? :')

THIS LOOKS AMAZING, are you planning on a mac release anytime in the future? <3

(1 edit) (+2)

I've never actually heard of the original version of Blue Suburbia that you mention in the game. So I went in without any knowledge of that. I have to say, this is such a fascinating game. I really love your use of sound design, and I found myself lost within the environments you've crafted. The literary sections are already written beautifully, but paired with the sounds and environment? AND THAT STATIC- I was absolutely shaken to my core during "A taste of what's coming" as I realized what the meaning of the experience was. Knowing that and then going into that section with the huge chains made me feel really upset.

As a player, I'm really moved. As an aspiring game dev, this is super inspiring. I can't wait to buy the full version when it comes out someday!! 


thank you for these kind words. this means a lot 🥹 

Very cool visuals nice work

Full Play NO Commentary

The images, sounds, and atmosphere all seemed to appeal to me, and I felt very immersed in the world of Blue Suburbia.

Unfortunately, my PC shut down due to thermal runaway in the middle of playing, so I could not finish the game. I first played on Good Computer, but when I played again on Work Computer, the GPU temperature exceeded 80℃, so I had to stop playing. Sorry about that.

Below is my PC environment and the recording until the thermal runaway. I hope this will be helpful.

OS: 64-bit Windows 10

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor 3.40 GHz

RAM: 16.0 GB

GPU: GeForce GTX 1660



yoo alienmelon ur my fav developer

I waiting full of this game

Too bad can't claim game, don't have access to pc now so can't download it


the demo is going to be up for a very long time since it's not anywhere near done... i aim to (hope) to also be able to support Linux and macOS in the future since that's supported by Unreal.

oh man can't wait for macos version this looks awesome

would be nice to know about controls in the game. I have no idea what to do - clicked on everything, nothing happens:(

are you stuck in the main menu? you move left/right with your mouse (the little light sprite) and click on "Start". things that are clickable get highlighted... after that it's keyboard and mouse (like any first person game).

it seems the problem is my PC, not my stupidity as you  might assume<3 when I choose "work computer", all works alright:3


thank you so much for confirming that. it's good to know that "work computer" made it work. i need to fix that UX issue because i think a lot of people have issues running it since they choose the higher options when "work computer" is for them. it helps to have that confirmed. thank you!

I love how beautifully written the story is. I do believe I didnt finish the demo due to it freezing over and over. You can see where it stopped in my walkthrough! Keep at it!!


Thanks for letting me know. I put out a fix for this. I put close buttons [x] in all the UI's now that aren't linked to the thing popping up so that they close right away without a hang.